虚拟语气与过去事实相反问题到底是would have done 还是 had done 比如i wish that he had not made so much fuss about it if the doctotor had been available ,the child would have been savedthe two strangers talked as if they ____friends for yearA should have been B had been Cshould be那为什么不选 A C呢 与过去事实相反啊 would have done 分不清什么时候用would have done 还是 had done


到底是would have done 还是 had done
比如i wish that he had not made so much fuss about it
if the doctotor had been available ,the child would have been saved
the two strangers talked as if they ____friends for year
A should have been B had been
Cshould be
那为什么不选 A C呢 与过去事实相反啊 would have done
分不清什么时候用would have done 还是 had done


你问在虚拟语气中分不清什么时候用would have done和had done,其实如果不考虑复杂情况,单纯就我们常见的考试题而言,这个问题本身就有点问题.不知道你能否分清主句和从句,这个对于你的问题很重要.看最基本的if虚拟语...