The girl (in the car) is my friend.对括号内的提问He doesn't go to school today.改为一般疑问句


The girl (in the car) is my friend.对括号内的提问He doesn't go to school today.改为一般疑问句
We celebrate her birthday (by having a party)对括号内的提问These cards are (Millie's)对括号内的提问
最后一题改为( )( )these cards 第二踢改成( )not( )go to school today?

1.Which girl is your friend?
2.Does he go to school today?
3.How do you celebrate her birthday?
4.Whose cards are these?
最后一题::(Whose )( are )these cards 第二题:(Does )not(he )go to school today?