My sister isn't old enough to go to school.同义句1.My sister is ---- ----- ----- go to school.2.Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?同上---- ----- go for a picnic tomorrow?3.他太激动了,一句话也说不出来.【英语】安娜太小了,还不能上学.树上的一片树叶足以使她非常高兴.


My sister isn't old enough to go to school.同义句
1.My sister is ---- ----- ----- go to school.
2.Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?同上
---- ----- go for a picnic tomorrow?

1.My sister is too young to go to school.
2.Why not go for a picnic tomorrow?
3. He is too exciting to say a word.
4.Anna is too young to go to school.
5.A leaf from a tree is enough to make her happy.

1 My sister is too young to go to school.
2 Why not go for a picnic tomorrow?
3 He is too exciting to say anyting.
4 Anna is too young to go to school.
5 The leaf on the tree make her happy enough.

1. My sister is too young to go to school
2. How about go for a picnic?
3. He is too excited to say a word.
4. Anna is too young to go to shcool.
5. Even one leaf could delight her./ She would be happy enough even to see one leaf. 句型表示 太(形容词)....以至于不能(动词原形)...

My sister is too young to go to school.
Would you like to
He is too excited to say a word.
Anna is too young to go th school.或Anna is not enough to go to school.
Even a leaf can make her very happy.

1 too old to
2 Why not
3 He is too excited to speak.
4 Anna is too old to go to school.
5 A leaf on tree is enough to make her very happy.

1. too young to
2. Why not
3. he was too excited to say a single word.
4. Anna is too young to go to school.
5. One leaf is enough to make her happy

(1)My sister is too yough to go to school.
(2)My sister is so yough that she won't go to school.
why don't we go for a picnic tomorrow
Anna isn't old enough to go to school