找规律 40 42 44 () 41 43 45 () 43 45 47 () ()()()()
找规律 40 42 44 () 41 43 45 () 43 45 47 () ()()()()
40 42 44 (46)
41 43 45 (47)
43 45 47 (49)
46 48 50 52
- 小学数学总复习题库 答案 请告诉我 我只是想对一下答案 谢谢41、在一个正方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的周长是这个正方形的(3/4),这个圆的面积是正方形的(3/4).42、大圆半径是小圆半径的2倍,大圆面积比小圆面积多12平方米,小圆面积是( )平方米.43、一个圆柱体和它等底等高的圆锥体的体积相等,圆锥体的高是12厘米,圆柱体的高是(36)厘米.44、A是B的65%,A:B=( ):( ).45、在比例尺是1:12500000的地图上,量得两城市间的距离是8厘米,如果画在比例尺是1:8000000的地图上,图上距离是( )厘米.46、在一个比例里,两个外项为互倒数,其中一个内项是617 ,另一个内项是( ).47、甲、乙两个长方形,它们的周长相等,甲的长与宽的比是3:2,乙的长与宽的比是4:5,甲与乙面积之比是( ).48、甲、乙两车货共100吨,其中甲车的14 与乙车的16 相等,甲车运货( )吨,乙车运货( )吨.49、352003 的分子和分母同时
- 变一般疑问句做肯否回答变否定句41.Sarah can clean the classroom.42.They are in the zoo.43.There are some flowers in the vase.44.This is my sister.45.We are sweeping the floor.46.We need some masks.47.They like making the puppet.58.Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house.49.I put a book on my head.50.They sing “In the classroom ”together
- 40,41,42,43,44,45,46的英文怎么写?
- 找规律23,25,29,30,31,35,37,40,( ) A.41 B.45 C.47 D.49
- _ 13 24 36 43 54 45 47 18 30 _ 找规律填空 最好说明一下.
- 短文改错.Dear friends, Welcome to our country. I am very glad to be you guide. 41.__________Now, I’d like to tell you something more about the Great 42.__________Wall of China. The Great Wall had a history of over 2000 43.__________years. It is considered to be one of the wonder in the world. 44.__________The Great Wall is 6000 kilometers long, 6-7meters high but 45.__________4-5 met
- 高一英语必修1,2首字母填空40.After a (f ) battle,the enemy was forced to retreat(撤退).41.She prefers pop music and jazz to (c ) music.42.He is a pianist in an (o ).43.A (m ) is a person who performs or writes music,especially as his/her job.44.The teacher (c ) her hands to attract the class’s attention.45.They can manage it themselves.I don’t suppose they wanted any (e ) help.46.Bright colors are (a ) to children.47.Your compass and clock are the most essential(必要
- 中国古代史考试37、汉武帝时期,以大将军为首的外戚*也成为宫廷政治中的一支强劲的力量,特别是以霍光为首的集团.(1.00分)是 否38、夏朝的百姓主要是定居生活的.(1.00分)是 否39、在中国古代的明朝等朝代,东西方经济问题成为统治阶级的核心关注点.(1.00分)是 否40、编年体是以年代为线索编排有关历史事件.编年体史书以时间为中心按年月日顺序记述史事.(1.00分)是 否41、中国古代都城从周朝开始遵循着从西部到东部地区,再向北部发展的趋势.各个王朝都城的建设跟统治集团有着密切的关系.(1.00分)是 否42、魏晋南北朝时期,历史上是北周把北齐兼并了.(1.00分)是 否43、到了宋朝尤其是南宋之后,中国经济的重心开始转向长江流域和珠江流域.(1.00分)是 否44、魏晋玄学是中国魏晋时期出现的一种崇尚老庄的思潮,与世俗所谓玄学、玄虚实有不同.(1.00分)是 否45、在大溪文化和屈家岭文化中,人们粮食的主要来源是种植小麦类作物.(1.00分)是 否46、宇文泰吸取了魏孝文帝民族政策的经
- Dear Ann,Thanks for your letter.I want to tell you something 41 my week.I go to school from MonDear Ann,Thanks for your letter.I want to tell you something 41 my week.I go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four 42 in the morning and two in the afternoon.We have many subjects to learn:Chinese,English,P.E.,science,biology,music and so on.We have 43 to do after class.On Monday 44 Wednesday afternoon we 45 sports.On Tuesday afternoon some of us have
- 急求以下英语题目标准答案!六、从B栏中找出A栏各句的相应答句,并把序号填在题前的括号内(10%)A B(b )(41)When is your mother going there? A..Twice a day.( )(42)How many times did you go there? B. He’s going on July 15th.( )(43)When did your headache start? C.I’m not feeling well.( )(44)What’s the matter with you ? D.He sometimes watches TV.( )(45)What does he do xn weekends? E.She is going with my parents.(
- 选择题:A和B都是自然数,且11分之A+1分之B=17,那么A+B=[ ]
- 已知n∈N+ ,n>1 ,求证 〔1+1/3〕〔1+1/5〕〔1+1/7〕……〔1+1/〔2n-1〕〕>√〔2n+1〕/2