求PEP六年级3单元测试题 英语


求PEP六年级3单元测试题 英语

1 .A: _____________________________________________?
B: I did my homework. How about you?
A: I ____________ my grandparents.
B: ___________________________________________?
A: Yes, I help them clean the room.
2. A: Hi, John. This is Mike. You didn’t go to school today.
What ‘s wrong?
B: ________________________________________.
A: Oh, dear. I am sorry to hear that. How did it happen?
B: ______________________________________.
A: Did you see the doctor?
B: ________________________________________.
A: I hope you will get better soon.
B: __________________________________________.
3. A; ____________________________________________?
B: I went to Harbin on my holiday.
A: ___________________________________________?
B: I went by train.
A: _____________________________________________?
B: I got there on December 31.
B: I went skiing.
4. A: Hello! B: ___________________________________?
A: Speaking.B: _________________________________?
A: Fine, thanks. And you?B: Fine.
A: What can I do for you?B: ______________________
A: Homework? B: _____________________?
A: Ok. He asked us to do exercise 2 on page 56.
B: __________________________________________.
A: You are welcome. Bye!
5. A: Who’s ____________ best friend?
B: Guess! She’s ___________ than me. She is 1.6 meters. She is _________ than me, too. She is 60kg.
A: Is she Mary?
B: No, she ______________.
A: Is she Kate?
B: Yes, We are best friend. We often play together!
A: What ____________ you do ___________ weekend?
B: We ________English first. Then we _______ shopping. We _________ many things.
A: You are so _____________!
6. A: Good afternoon, Chen Jie! __________________ today?
B: I am fine, thank you. You look happy today.
A: I went shopping with my mother. And I have a dress now.
B: Wow, ___________________________________?
A: I feel excited.
B: ___________________________________?
A: I am going to the bookstore.
B: __________________________________?
A: I am going by the No.15bus.
7. A: Hi, Andy. Were you at home last weekend.
B: No, _______________________________________?
A: _____________________________________________?
B: I went to my grandparents’ farm.
B: No, I didn’t go fishing.
A: ____________________________________________?
B: I helped my grandparents pick apples.
A: Ready? Are you going to their farm next weekend.
B: Yes, __________________________________________.
9. A: _____________________________________________?
B: No, my parents were at the park yesterday.
1.I often _____(do) my homework in the evening. But yesterday evening, I ____(watch) TV.
2.Did Mike ____(go)swimming?
3. She usually ____ (read) book at night.
4. What ___you ___(do) on Saturday afternoon?
I______(do) my homework. I ____(go) fishing.
()1 What ___you usually do on the weekend?
A does B do C doedD did
()2 What ___you do last weekend?
A does B do C doedD did
()3Did you help them clean their house?
A Yes ,I didn’t B No, I did C Yes, IdidD No, I don’t
()4 Did you _____football last weekend?
A playB PlayC playsD played
()5 Xiao Jing _____very busy yesterday
A isB are C wasD were
()6 He _____his grandparents____Saturday morning.
A visited / B visit onC visits / D visits on
()7They played football ___their friends.
A withB forC and Din
()8 He washed clothes ____cleaned his room.
A withB forC and Din
()9 Liu yun walked __ Sarah’s home ,then I walked ___home.
A / to B // Cto /D toto
()10 He jumped ___the lake and swam ___it.
A intoBinto to Cto inDtointo
()11 I like to ___kitesI ____kites yesterday
A flyflyB flewfly Cfly flew
()It ___a windy day the day before yesterday.
A was B wereC is D are
()What did you do last weekend? ANo, I didn’t
()Did you climb mountain?BI went hiking too.
()How about you? CI am sorry to hear that.
()I failed the math test. DI went to a park.
()What do you usually do?EI usually go to a park.
六、 用一般过去式改写下列句子
1 There is a bird on the tree
2 I go to school by bus
3 He does his homework.
4 I am very busy today.
5 I clean my room and listen to music.
七、 读短文,回答问题
I had a happy weekend last week.
On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house-- mine, my parents’ and my brother’s.
On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole(整个) family was so happy. Later, we wanted to swim. But it was too cold.
This was last weekend.
1 Did he have a happy weekend?
2 What did his grandfather do on Sunday?
3 What did he do Saturday morning?
1 They swam on Sunday.()
2 I was so bored last weekend.()