变句型 英语例句:He bought an expensive CD yesterday.What an expensive CD he bought yesterday!1:She has a very kind teacher.2:Hangzhou is a beautiful city.3:It is a beautiful park.4:I‘ve got a difficult problem.5:He has drawn very beautiful drawings.


变句型 英语
例句:He bought an expensive CD yesterday.
What an expensive CD he bought yesterday!
1:She has a very kind teacher.
2:Hangzhou is a beautiful city.
3:It is a beautiful park.
4:I‘ve got a difficult problem.
5:He has drawn very beautiful drawings.

What a kind teacher she has!
What a beautiful city Hangzhou is!
What a beautiful park it is!
What a difficult problem I have got!
what beautiful drawings he has drawn!

1.What a very kind teacher she has!2.What a beautiful city Hangzhou is!3.What a beautiful park it is!4.What a difficult problem I have got!5.What very beautiful drawings he has drawn.