DB13定义备份作业出错了Variant Variant


DB13定义备份作业出错了Variant Variant
Job started Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB,variant &0000000000151,user name MIS08) Variant &0000000000151 Variant Job cancelled 用DB13定义ONLINE BACKUP 作业的时候ACTIONS LOG 里没有任何内容,在JOB LOG 里有上面的描 述,不知道是什么原因,BRTOOLS 和SAPDBA 都已经升级到了 610了,如果用立即备份的话还可以 备份,就是不能计划备份,请问个位大虾,这是什么原因呢 我们的平台:46C+ORACLE817+WIN2K SERVER SP4

Job started Step 001 started (program RSDBAJOB, variant &0000000000151, user name MIS08) Variant &0000000000151 Variant Job cancelled . 1. 4.6C can use BRTOOLS ?or SAPDBA but it's either 620 or 4.6D SAPDBEXE_xxxx.SAR not 6.10. ?6.10 is temp release and it's not good kernel. 2. your problem should be the SIDADM permission issue after you use the right DB kernel. ?you should make sure following: ?a. can you run checkdb via db13? ?b. can you schedule immediate backup? ?c. can you run archive log job? ? 90% DB13 problems are either DB kernel issue(BRBACKUP/BRCONNECT... probelm) or file permission issue for sidadm. ?b.查看原帖>>