改句子:1.You must (eat some biscuits.)改为否定句,对括号里提问


改句子:1.You must (eat some biscuits.)改为否定句,对括号里提问
2.The pupils go to Shanghai Library (by bus).对括号里提问
3.The giraffe lives (in the jungle).对括号里提问
4.I like the (red and pink) butterfly.对括号里提问
5.I get up at half past six in the morning.I 改为She,其余作相应变化
6.Does your mum have lunch at home?改为肯定句
7.Mr Green lives on (the third) floor.对括号提问
8.Tom likes eating carrots.Peter likes eating carrots,too.两句并一句,意思不变
9.John's brother usually has breakfast at home.改为一般疑问句并作否定回答
10.You mustn't smoke here.换种方式,意思不变
11.The wooden bed is made of ( wood).对括号提问
12.My sister likes the red blouse (withe a long zip).对括号里提问
13.Why mustn't we play with fire?回答____it's___.
14.Tom wants the (green) umbrella.对括号里提问
15.Peter likes the hat (with a star.)对括号里提问
16.Dn't start campfirs.同意句___ ____start campfires.

You can't eat any biscuits.
How do the pupils go to Shanghai Library
Where does the giraffe live?
Which butterfly do you like?
She gets up at half past six in the morning
My mom has lunch as home/
Which floor does Mr Green live on?
Both Tom and Peter like eating carrots.
Does John's brother usually have breakfast at home?
No.he doesn't
Don't smoke here/
What's the wooden bed made of?
Which blouse does your sister like?
Because  dangerous
Which umbrella does Tom want?
Which hat does Peter like?
You mustn't