This is the place where Mr Zhang lived 可不可以改为 this is the place which Mr zhang lived in


This is the place where Mr Zhang lived 可不可以改为 this is the place which Mr zhang lived in
This is the place where Mr Zhang lived 可不可以改为
this is the place which Mr zhang lived in

可以,但在这里,where更常用.如果是This is the house where Mr Zhang lived.就完全等于This is the house which Mr Zhang Lived in.但这个也不常用,因为有人说句子最好不要以介词结尾,所以最好说This is the house which 怎么在定语从句使用,做什么成分in which一般可以代替where, 在句中做地点状语。你调整下语序就明白是怎么用的了:This is the place in which Mr Zhang lived.Mr Zhang lived in the place.