对于Something 和some things的区别还是不太懂,能举些例子吗?还有I want to tell you something about me.为什么用something?


对于Something 和some things的区别还是不太懂,能举些例子吗?还有I want to tell you something about me.为什么用something?

Some things是指你想说的不确定数量的未被指明的事物.比如: Some things are difficult to understand.Something 是指某一个不确定(未被指明)的事物. 比如:Something is wrong there.至于怎么尽快地记住什么时候...还有I want to tell you something about me.为什么用something?谢谢!在这里我觉得 I want to tell you something about me 和 I want to tell you some things about me语法上都可以,但是前面一种更常见。这里something是一个单数形式,表示我有一个(或者一组潜在随机的选择)关于我的(不确定)的事情想告诉你。而some things是一个复数形式,表示我有多个(确定的)事情想告诉你。学霸😂😂😂我们做朋友!!