.--What did your teacher say this morning? --She told us A. why was Tom Late for school again B. whether we had too much


.--What did your teacher say this morning? --She told us A. why was Tom Late for school again B. whether we had too much homework C. how she did come to school this morning D .that we would have a test soon


这道选择题的考点是宾语从句.它的特点是必须使用陈述语序,就是主语在前,谓语动词在后.C项的问题是多了一个助动词did,它的作用是帮助构成疑问句,而在宾语从句中没有存在的意义.如果把C项改为how she came to school this morning,那就正确了.不是陈述句中do可以其强调作用吗�ڳ��������ǿ�����ǿ�����á���������ӱ����ϲ��dz����䣬�����������ʾ��ɵı���Ӿ䣬���did�ھ������𵽵����ò�����ǿ����