with a little extra twist的意思


with a little extra twist的意思

名词n. [C] 1. 扭;绞;搓;缠;编 The big boy gave his arm a twist.那个大男孩扭了一下他的胳膊. 2. 捻成(或搓成,编成)的东西 He lit his pipe with a twist of paper.他用纸煤点燃了烟斗. 3. 转弯;弯曲处 The mountain road is full of twists.那山路颇多曲折. 4. 扭伤;扭歪 He suffered a painful twist of the elbow.他肘部扭伤,疼痛难忍. 5. 歪曲;曲解 She gave the facts a twist.她歪曲了事实. 6. 怪癖;偏执 7. 意外转折 The story has a strange twist in chapter 15.故事情节在第十五章有了出乎意料的转折. 8. 窍门,花样 9. 扭摆舞[the S] 有点意外的转折