


i don't want to think,to hear and to face the day without you. wherever you are ,remember that my heart is always beating for you. i have been becoming gentle all the time. as long as you need me ,i always here. 见笑了哈

1.I do not think I will not listen, I do not want to face the day without you.
2 wherever you are, to remember that my heart beats for you.
3 I have been trying chastened. As long as you want, I have been.

1.don't force me to think about it,don't force me to hear what you said,and just don't force me to face the life without you
2.wherever you are ,remenber that my heart is beating because of you
3.i've been trying so hard to be understanding.i'll be there as long as you need me.

I don't want to think, I don't want to listen, I don't want to face to days without you.
Wherever you are, remember my heart is beating for you.
I have trying hard to be understanding.I'll be there as long as you need me.

1.我不要想,我不要听,我不要面对没有你的日子.I do not want to think /ponder .neither do I want to listen,I do not want to face the days without you2.不管你在哪,要记住我的心在为你跳动.No matter where you...