帮忙看一下这两段英语有没有语法错误,Apparently,the purpose of the pictureis to emphasize the importance of cooperation in our daily life,imposingtremendous pressure on all individuals.So it is sensible for us to choose cooperationin the face of difficulties.Suppose we are work alone,our shortcomings may preventus from getting success.Therefore we can see the significanceof cooperation,which can always create a miracle.---------------------------------------------------


Apparently,the purpose of the pictureis to emphasize the importance of cooperation in our daily life,imposingtremendous pressure on all individuals.So it is sensible for us to choose cooperationin the face of difficulties.Suppose we are work alone,our shortcomings may preventus from getting success.Therefore we can see the significanceof cooperation,which can always create a miracle.
What are thereasons behind the tread?Some people point out that use the internet you can communicatewith your friends,which come from other countries.Therefore it becomes closerbetween you and your friends.Another contributing factor,which cannot be ignored,is that internet brings much convenience for our life,such as shopping online,listening music and reading the last news from web site.By the contrary,withaddicted to the internet,some people laces the ability of communicate withface to face.

the purpose of the pictureis to emphasize the importance of cooperation in our daily life 这句话就有了 to 前面要有个 is 作为谓语,不然第一句话整个看下来没有一个谓语(尽管有两个动词).
So it is sensible for us to choose cooperationin the face of difficulties .你的意思应该是说面对困难时XXX吧,但face 用得很生硬.后半段可以修改为 in face of difficulties.
Suppose we are work alone,our shortcomings may preventus from getting success.前半句的suppose 应该改为supposing,同时去掉are 不然一个句子中三个动词争做谓语不恰当.