


Unit 11 知识点讲解
元词组 1.. TV shows(电视节目) soap opera sitcom(situation comedy) a comedy an action movie a documentary a thriller
cartoon drama(戏剧) Beijing Opera talk show Animal World Tell it like it is Law Today game show CCTV News News in 30 Minutes Man and Nature nese Cooking Around China Lucky52 arts news sports show Culture China Weekend Talk 周末话谈 2. write an article for the school magazine.给学校杂志写一篇文章 3. a thirteen - year - old boy.一个十三岁的男孩 4. wear colorful clothes.穿着颜色鲜艳的衣服 5. interview sb. 采访某人 in fact. 实际上6. wear scarves. 戴着围巾 7 .think of 想起,考虑到 二.重点句型 1. What do you think of soap operas/ sports shows? I can't stand / don't mind / like/love/hate/them. 2. What does she think of "Hilltop High"/Amanda? She doesn't like it/her. 三.重难点解析
1. What do you think of ...? 你认为...怎么样?(谈论对某事物的喜好程度)可选择的回答有: (1)I like it. (2)I don't mind it.(3)I don't like it. (4)I can't stand it. (5)I like it very much.(6)I love it. (7)It's beautiful. (8)They're fantastic How about 的用法区分. 1. wear (v. 动词) "穿,戴,佩".根据不同宾语,翻译不同的汉语意思.
wear earrings 戴耳环 wear a dress 穿连衣裙 wear a watch 戴手表
wear a beard 蓄胡子 wear long hair 留长发
2. think "想,考虑,思索"(v. 动词)可以和许多介词搭配,组成新的意思. A:think of "考虑";"有...的看法", 有时等于think about.
What does he think of Beijing Opera?他对京剧有什么看法? My mother always thinks of everything!我妈妈总是想到所有的东西. B:think about "考虑"(指计划,观念,看它是否相宜、可行) He is thinking about going to China.他正在考虑去中国.
3. too与either的区别 too"也",表示肯定意义,与肯定的表达方法连用;而either"也不",表示否定意义,与否定的表达方法连用. (1)—My brother likes to play soccer.我哥哥喜欢踢足球.—I do, too.我也是(喜欢).
(2)—My brother doesn't like to play soccer.我哥哥不喜欢踢足球.—I don't, either.
We also love talk shows.我们也喜欢访谈节目. 4. a thirteen - year - old boy 一个十三岁的男孩 此结构中,year用单数形式,且用连字符,这构用作定语.e.g a five - month - old baby 一个五个月大的婴儿 a one-way road a three-metetree 200-word-long article 5. enjoy (v. 喜爱,享受) enjoy后面接名词、代词或动名词,与like/ love用法的区别.like/ love还可以接动词不定式(toI enjoy the soap operas.我喜爱肥皂剧. I enjoy watching the soap operas.我喜爱看肥皂剧. 但我们不能说:I enjoy to watch the soap operas. 只能说:I like / love to watch the soap opera6. Welcome to sp. 欢迎来到…. Welcome to China. Welcome home(省掉介词) Welcome n. The people in Tibet gave me a warm welcome. *的人们热烈地欢迎了我. Welcome adj. You are welcome. A welcome movie star. 一个受欢迎的电影明星. 7. stand 表示忍受(多用于否定句、疑问句 can’t stand sth/ doing sth. 不能忍受某事/做某事He can't stand the hot weather.他忍受不了炎热的天气.Can you stand the soap opera?你忍受得吗? I can’t stand staying at home all the day long. 我不能忍受一整天都呆在家里. 8.mind 介意/在乎 mind sth/doing sth. I don’t mind the cold.
Do/Would you mind my having breakfast in the classromm/ opening the window? 不介意:Never mind/Not at all; 介意,反对: I’m sorry/Sorry,but I do. 9. find students who agree with you.找出同意你的同学. A:定语从句的引入: 指人时用Who/that. 指物时用which/that.
The girl is Emmy. The girl is wearing a colourful dress. The girl who is wearing a colourful dress is Emmy. Can you find my pen that/which I bought last weekend? B:agree with sb. agree on sth(意见suggestion, plan) agree with sb on sth. 在…上同意某人.
I agree with him. I agree with him on this problem. Do you agree on my suggestion?你同意的意见吗?
Agree to do sth. 同意做某事. He agreed to go to the movies with me. 10. ask students about fashion. ask sb sth. 问某人某事 ask sb aout sth.问某人关于某事
You can ask me questions after class. You can ask me about soap operas. Ask sb to do sth. 要求某人做某事:Teachers often ask us to do a lot of homework. fashion, n 流行,时尚.fashion show,时装秀 Fashion store in fashion 流行的,out of fashion 不流行的
11. I showed each students six things. A:show sb sth. show sth to sb(当sth 是it,them等时,只能用show it/them to sb.)
B:each 每个(代词),各自的(adj).与every(adj) 的区别.
Each可指两个或三个以上的每一个, every 只指三个以上的每一个. Each (one) of us. Every one of us 我们当中的每一个. 12. some of their answers are interesting .
Some of/ a lot of/ most of/ each of/ every one of/ many of/ much of
13.Here are their likes and dislikes. Here is+单数, Here are+ 复数
14. article in the school magazine, 文章在书,magazine上用in, 在newspaper/paper上on.
15.Can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?
A:Can/Could/will you please do sth? 表示委婉的请求,建议, Can you please not do sth?
B: put 放 sth + 介词短语.
put the book on my desk. Put the food in the fridge.
相关搭配:put on 穿上, put down. 放下,put up举起, put away把…收起来放好. 16. I can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful. A:idea 表示主意,想法,建议等.可数名词
That’s a good idea. 好主意= That sounds great/good. I have an idea/ no idea
17. clothes clothing cloth 区别: Clothes,指具体的衣服,不能用作单数,也不能和数词连用.不能说a clothes, five clothes Girls like beautiful clothes.
clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,是集体名词,没有复数形式.,a piece of clothing一件衣服
意 Clothing can keep us warm. 衣服可以保暖. 意思是“ 布料”、“毛料”、“丝绸”(特别指布料和毛料).Cloth在一般情况下是物质名词, 数. the piece of cloth .
tablecloth桌布,就可数 a tablecloth.