仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit1 Topic3 Section B 3a翻译 课文和翻译


仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit1 Topic3 Section B 3a翻译 课文和翻译

J-----Jane H----Helen M-----Michael
(Michael ran very fast in the boys' relay race and his class won first place.)迈克尔在男子接力赛中跑得非常快,他的班级赢得了第一名.
M:Thank you.I'm so excited!我很激动.
H:There will be another exciting relay race this afternoon.Do you know who will take part in it?下午会有另一场激动人心的接力赛.你知道有谁会参加么?
J:Miss Wang and some other teachers.王老师和其他一些老师.
M:Really?It'll be fun!What time will it begin?真的吗?那肯定很有趣!什么时候开始?
H:At half past three.3:30.
J:Shall we meet on the playground?我们在操场碰面好吗?
M:Sure.I'll meet you there and take some photos.当然.我会在那里和你碰面并拍一些照片.
J&H:Good idea!Let's go and cheer them on.好主意!让我们一起去为他们加油.