英语简单的句型转换why don’t you give her some flowers?同义句why ( ) ( )her some flowers?He taught himself Chinese 同义句He ( )Chinese ( )( )Getting up early is a healthy habit 同义句( )( )a healthy habit( )( )upearly


why don’t you give her some flowers?同义句
why ( ) ( )her some flowers?
He taught himself Chinese 同义句
He ( )Chinese ( )( )
Getting up early is a healthy habit 同义句
( )( )a healthy habit( )( )upearly

1.not give
2.taught by himself
3.it is to get

not give
studied by himself
It is to get

not give
taught,by himself
It is, to get

1,Why not give her some flowers?
2.He learned Chinese by himself.
3.It is a healthy habit to get up early.

why don’t you give her some flowers?同义句
why ( not ) ( giving )her some flowers?
He taught himself Chinese 同义句
He ( learned )Chinese ( by )( himself )
Getting up early is a healthy habit 同义句
( It )( is )a healthy habit( to )(get )upearly