


A group of fireflies flying in the air, including a not shine!
Another very curiously ask him: "elder brother door, how don't you shine?"
Don't glowing fireflies replied: "ah, the elder brothers left last month pay the electricity bills!"

A group of fireflies flew in the air,but one of them didn't shine.
Another one of them asked curiously, 'bro,why don't you light yourself up?'
'er,i forgot to pay the electricity bill of last month' , the lightless firefly answered

请稍等哦!一群萤火虫在空中飞,其中有一只不发光!另一只很好奇地问他:“哥们,你怎么不发光啊?”不发光的萤火虫回答道:“哎,哥们上月忘交电费了!”A flock of glowworms are flying in the air ,but one of them is ...

A group of fireflies flying in the air, including a non-luminous!
Another very curious and asked him: "buddy, Why you not ah ?"
non-luminous light-emitting firefly replied:" hey, I forgot to pay the electricity bills of the last month ! "