英语好的人就进来一下把~1 After the accident my car ____a lot of expensive new pards. A) has to had B) had to have C) have had D) had having 2 when we ____ leave for the church, it began to rain.A) would B) were about to C) would go to D) could be able to 3 if the horse wins today,he ____thirty races in the last five years.A) will win B) will have won C) had won D) would have won 4 Every minute must be made full use ____english.A) of to study B)


1 After the accident my car ____a lot of expensive new pards.
A) has to had B) had to have C) have had D) had having
2 when we ____ leave for the church, it began to rain.
A) would B) were about to C) would go to D) could be able to
3 if the horse wins today,he ____thirty races in the last five years.
A) will win B) will have won C) had won D) would have won
4 Every minute must be made full use ____english.
A) of to study B) of studying
C) of being studied D)to study
5 Their carelessness______them the victory.
A) cost B) paid C) had D) made
请解释一下语法,谢谢~ 我会多赏点的~


B:be about to do表示“即将做什么(很快发生的)”,根据后面的句子的时态,知道用一般过去时。
B:made use of doing ,充分利用,固定搭配


1.C 现在完成时
2.B 翻译:当我们正要离开去教堂的时候,天开始下起雨来。
3.B if 引导的条件状语从句,从句用将来完成时
4.A 就是make full use of every minute to study English的变形
5.A 翻译:他们的粗心让他们付出了失败的代价,就是让他们本来的成功没了的意思

1.选B.after引导的时间状语从句,表示“在...之后”,时态用一般过去时或者一般将来时,这句话的意思很明显,事故发生后,是过去的,用一般过去时.2.选B.be about to do表示“即将做什么(很快发生的)”,根据后面的句子的...