几道英语时态填空1.He doesn't know a thing about the verbs,for he ________his lesson.(not study)2.Don't interrupt him when he ______(work)3.At this time tomorrow she _______a history exam.(have)4.When she heard the news,tears______ in her beautiful eyes.(appear)5.This time next month i ____on a beach.(sit)6.The postman knows what hid duty _____.(lie)请附上理由,


1.He doesn't know a thing about the verbs,for he ________his lesson.
(not study)
2.Don't interrupt him when he ______(work)
3.At this time tomorrow she _______a history exam.(have)
4.When she heard the news,tears______ in her beautiful eyes.(appear)
5.This time next month i ____on a beach.(sit)
6.The postman knows what hid duty _____.(lie)

1.hasn't studied 他对动词一无所知,因为他没听课。
2.works或is working 二者均可译为:他工作的时候不要打扰他。
3.will be having 明天这个时候,她正在历史考试。(将来进行时)
4.appeared或were appearing,但不可用were appeared
5.will be sitting 将来进行时 下个月的这个时候,我将正坐在海滩(享受呢)
6.lies in : lie in:(问题、事情等)在于
这个邮递员很清楚他的职责所在。 (宾语从句,即:he knows his duty lies in what)

1.He doesn't know a thing about the verbs,for he did not study his lesson.
2.Don't interrupt him when he is working.
3.At this time tomorrow she will be having a history exam.
将来进行时,本句的时间状语at this time tomorrow 表明,这句需要将来进行时态,强调明天这个时候正在发生的事。
4.When she heard the news,tears were appearing in her beautiful eyes.
5.This time next month i will be sitting on a beach.
6.The postman knows what his duty lies.

1.hasn't studied 现在完成时态 前句是后句带来的影响和结果
2.is working 根据意思,他工作的时候不要打搅他,所以应是正在工作
3.will be having at this time tomorrow将来进行时的时间状语
4.appeared 不用被动 只注意时态
5.will be sitting
6.lies in 意思:邮递员知道他的职责所在

1.doesn't study
3.will have
4.were appeared
5.will sit