英语翻译溜肉段 配 料主料:猪瘦肉四两.配料:黄瓜二钱、冬笋片二钱.调料:香油一钱、淀粉二两、鸡蛋一个、味素五分、酱油五钱、醋三分、白糖二钱、绍酒一钱、精盐、葱、姜、蒜各少许.]、特 色外酥里嫩、味香可口操 作(1)先把肉切成二分厚的片,再改切二分五宽、八分长的斜段,用绍酒、精盐、一个鸡蛋喂一会儿,再用淀粉加香油调糊浆好.(2)用一小碗加绍酒、香油、白糖、醋、味素、酱油、淀粉对好汁卤备用.(3)勺内汁卤加宽油,烧至七层热时,把肉段下勺内炸成金黄酥脆时捞出.(4)大勺少留底油,下葱、姜、蒜、黄瓜片、冬笋片炒几下,放炸好的肉段,再把对好的汁卤泼入勺内,颠翻几个个,滴香油出勺装盘.营养价值黄瓜 - 黄瓜食用部分为幼嫩子房.果实颜色呈油绿或翠绿.鲜嫩的黄瓜顶花带刺,诱人入食.果肉脆甜多汁,具有清...冬笋 - 冬笋极富营养价值和医药功能,是素食者和保健者的最佳菜肴,质嫩味美,清脆可口.请不要用有道或Google可以吗?就算用了也请检查下啊……


溜肉段 配 料
特 色
操 作
黄瓜 - 黄瓜食用部分为幼嫩子房.果实颜色呈油绿或翠绿.鲜嫩的黄瓜顶花带刺,诱人入食.果肉脆甜多汁,具有清...冬笋 - 冬笋极富营养价值和医药功能,是素食者和保健者的最佳菜肴,质嫩味美,清脆可口.

Sneak in at the blendig flavour meat section: two jiangquhai. Blendig: phyllestachys second money, cucumber slices 2 money. Seasoning: sesame oil money, starch, a second, eggs, extractives huweiyi, soy sauce, vinegar five money at 1/3, co-substrate a 绍酒 second money, money, soy sauce, salt, onion, ginger, garlic all a little. ], crynen foreign crisp, gustducin hyangchon phascolosoma operation
(1) first cut the meat into thick slices of bisectioning, bisectioning-cut into five broad percent in section, made by 绍酒, eggsize feed for a while, and then adjust the perfume oil starch paste.
(2) in a small bowl and 绍酒, sesame oil, sugar, vinegar, flavoring, soy sauce, starch hadegen about fine juice.
(3) spoonsfor hadegen widening in the juice to oil, hot, seven layers of the meat in the posterohepatic spoonsfor of embowering when fried noodle yet.
(4) a little of your application, spoonsfor, ginger, garlic, cucumber slices, fried phyllestachys tablets placed just a few, fried meat section, and put on good spoonsfor hadegen pelje into the juice, some turning around a bit, dropping out of a spoonsfor plate with sesame oil.
Nutritional value of food cucumber-cucumber ofdeduced translucent ovary. Fruit color radiofrequent youlv or green. Fresh and cucumbor kongprovides top miconioides American servicemen and women, into food. Sarcocarp crisp, sweet juicy. phyllestachys-phyllestachys highly nutritive value and medicine features, is a vegetarian and health's best dishes, aceous phascolosoma songnen River weimei, clear and crisp.

Wandering the meat section Ingredients Ingredients:pork 42.Ingredients:Cucumber 2 money,money,winter bamboo shoots two films.Seasoning:sesame oil 1 money,starch 22,egg 1,MSG-fifth,soy sauce,five money...