

1. 当某些紧急事情发生时,你必须努力保持冷静.
2. 他认为他已经解决了问题,但情况并非如此.
3. 你不应该采取随便的态度来对待严肃的事情.
4. 一层厚厚的落叶和松针覆盖着森林大地.
5. X光照片显示癌细胞已经严重侵入胸腔.
6. 你们认为有能力取得比赛的胜利吗?
7. 罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被抓获.
8. 这个商店里的顾客很多,店主有些应接不暇了.
9. 工人们正从飞机里卸下货物.

1.In time of emergency,You must keep calm.
2.He thought he had solved the problem,but it was not necessarily the case.
3.You shouldn't deal with the serious matter in a casual way.
4.A thick layer of fallen leaves and pine needles covered the grand land of the forest.
5.THe x-ray shows that the cancer cells have seriously invaded the chest.
6.Do you think you have the ability to win the match?
7.The criminal was caught when he was trying to escape form the city.
8.There were so many customers in the shop that the shopowner found it hard to receive them.
9.The workers are unloading the goods from the plane.
10.He got rid of those old friends who once helped him a lot as soon as he got rich.