We all like to feel close to someone.


We all like to feel close to someone.

我们都向往和某人亲近感觉We need to be alone sometimes.We don't always need people around.有时候我们都需要独自相处我们不是一直需要被别人环绕着No two people are just the same.没有人完全和他人一样But it does't mean that we no longer like each other,It's surprising to find out how much we like the new people when we get to know them.大哥你一下子贴完行不,累不累People sometimes name their children after a close friend.Many places are named after men and women.Some libraries are named in this way.So are some schools.People sometimes name their children after a close friend.Many places are named after men and women.Some libraries are named in this way.So are some schools.我要是能一下子贴完不就贴了么。。。But it does't mean that we no longer like each other,但是这不代表我们不喜欢对方It's surprising to find out how much we like the new people when we get to know them.在我们深入认识新人以后,我们会惊讶的发现我们实际上挺喜欢他们People sometimes name their children after a close friend.Many places are named after men and women.Some libraries are named in this way.So are some schools.有些人给孩子取名的时候会选择好友的名字。很多地名取之于人名。有些图书馆也是,学校也不例外。最后一个There's good news for people who have many friends.They live longer than people who don't.Being happy helps them stay well.对朋友队的人来说这是个好消息,他们比朋友少的人寿命长。愉快的心情使他们健康。有没有看错?终于熬出头了吗?