下面短文是介绍中国人和美国人在不同社交场合中的一些差别.请将短文译成中文.{九年级英语(六)people keep diferent distances between each other in China and America while they are having a talk .the article shows us the differences of the distance in social situations in China and America.In china,when good friends have a heart-to-heart talk,they stand sids by or hand in hand.However,in america,good friends are supposed to stand with a distance of 0.5--1.2meters.As for a friend who is unfamiliar to


people keep diferent distances between each other in China and America while they are having a talk .the article shows us the differences of the distance in social situations in China and America.
In china,when good friends have a heart-to-heart talk,they stand sids by or hand in hand.However,in america,good friends are supposed to stand with a distance of 0.5--1.2meters.As for a friend who is unfamiliar to you ,chinese shold keep a distance of less than one meter ,while americans are supposed to keep a dis tance of 1.2--3.5meters.in china,when a stranger touches us,it is common for us to think it's normal,but in america,they will think that they are offended.

在中国和美国,在在谈话聊天时人与人之间保持的距离是不同的.本文表现了在中国和美国因社会身份所引起的人与人之间的距离. 在中国,好友间推心置腹地交谈时,他们会互相依靠着站立或手拉手站着.然而在美国好友应当是...