


About honest
Honest is very importance in everybody's life,for examples,you want a girl likes you and long term believe on your,honest first.
If she knows you lie to her oneday,there will be a big impress in her mind,the same you never be the one she trust.
During the business negociation,people alway lie someone to end up the work,it works sometimes,but it never last long.
I have tried to lie to my girls and same on the business,and end up with so many troubles.
Chiang Kai-shek lied to his people years ago,brought a lot of gold back to * for the cost of the war,even some of people went with him on his own plan,most of people do not like this way.Same end up with a terrible life.
So life is just like a box of chocolate,you never knew what you gonna get,keep your works to someone beside you,then you could enjoy your own chocolate,the trust one.Because chocolate never taste that sweet.可不可以加上中文注释啊亲~~(贪婪ING。。。)