怎么用英语问身高和体重都学这么长时间英语了却一直不知道怎么问身高.我自己琢磨是how long are you?how heavy are you?不过觉得不太合适,正确的说法是什么


我自己琢磨是how long are you?how heavy are you?

你可以问 how tall (是高,不是长)are you? 或者 what's your height?
重量:what's your weight?

What's your height? 你有多高?
What's your weight? 你有多重?
How heavy you are?是极不礼貌的问法。

How tall are you?
How much do you weigh?If you don't mind me asking.
I always add 'If you don't mind me asking' at the ned...just to sound polite.

Please tell me you to have multiple
Please tell me you to have high