以My Mother's Day 为题写一篇五十词的英语短文


以My Mother's Day 为题写一篇五十词的英语短文
5点finsh work 5:10在医院吃早饭 5:30 get home 6点睡觉 17:30起来 18点have supper 18:30-20点看电视或看书 20:30go to work by car 21点 begin to work

My Mother's Day
My mother is a nurse.She finishes her work at 5 am and has breakfast in hospital at 5:10 am.She gets home at 5:30 and she is 6:00 sleep goes to bed until 17:30.She has supper at 18:00.Between 18:30 and 20:00,she spends time in reading or watching TV.At 20:30,she goes to work by car at 21:00 she begins to work.