综合 短文 填空.根据 首字母提示 {英语}


综合 短文 填空.根据 首字母提示 {英语}
Maria wants to l_1_to play handball.“That’s a good i_2__”says her mofher.“Your father a___3__likes playing handball.Do you know w__4____the modem(现代的)game of handball was first played?”“Let me s__5___.Well,it was about in the 19th century,”says Maria.“Yes,and there is w__6___handball in ghe Olympic Games.If you want to p__7__playing handball,yoi can a__8__your fafher to t___9__you.He w__10___teach well.”“OK!”says Maria.

1.learn 2.idea 3.always 4.when 5.see 6.women's 7.practice/practise 8.ask 9.teach 10.will