- 六年级上册语文第四单元试卷填恰当的关联词语()这绚丽灿烂的秋色,()表示着成熟和繁荣,()意味着欢乐与富强,()我特别喜欢它.按要求断句某人外出做生意,给父母写了这样一封信:“儿的生活好痛苦也没有粮食多病少挣了很多钱.”父亲接信后喜笑颜开,母亲接信后嚎啕大哭.他们是怎么读信的呢?请试着写出来.父亲.母亲.按要求写句子听了少年这番话,吴王恍然大悟(用不同的词序组成2个句子)..照样子写写看列:春姑娘迈着轻盈的步伐来了,他提着神奇的小花篮,把五彩的鲜花洒向大地.春姑娘.修改病句大家要提高环境保护的目的.
- 续写句子: 秋风萧索,----------------------------例如:1.漫天的飞雪,将城镇点缀成了银装素裹的世界。 2.牵牛花开放了,引来了翩翩飞舞的蝴蝶和辛勤采蜜的蜜蜂。
- 改写句子:(1)What was Linda doing?(2)Why couldn't Linda see Davy?(3)Where was Davy?(4)What happen改写句子,都要改成The teacher said的宾语从句(1)What was Linda doing?(2)Why couldn't Linda see Davy?(3)Where was Davy?(4)What happened?(5)What was Davy doing?例句:Do you ever watch soap operas?The teacher asked if i watched soap operas。
- 会被动语态的英语大神来将下列句子改成被动语态.1.These workmen are repairing my house.2.The police picked up the boy in the forest.3.The boy sends the newspaper to me every morning.4.They will take care of your grandmother.5.Mary has written 3 books.6.She is washing your clothes.7.They are painting the wall.8.I am telling him how to be a good student.
- 问下关于这两个句子的语法问题.The author,taking the reader on a chronological journey through her native land,skillfully combining history and legend with fragments of fiction.2 Modern bluegrass songs,telling of love and despair and celebrating mountain beauty,reflect the genre's rural origins.第一句的taking.land,是作为插入语吗?为什么这里用taking开头做动词就错了(答案写的这句话这部分是错误的改成who takes the reader.)而第二句话telling 开头的插入语整句话就是对了的.而且为什么第一句话后半句要用combining而不是combine,这里难道不属于主语+分词的错误码?
- SAT句子修改修改句子,如果认为原题正确请选A( For a snake,shedding their skin) up to eight times a year ispart of a natural process.A.For a snake,shedding their skinB.A snake’s shedding its skinC.When a snake sheds its skinD.To shed its skin,for snakes()里的事错误部分,正确选项为B,我明白是动名词做主语 ,但我有个疑问如果把原题中的谓语改正,即their改成its,是否原题就正确了?即为:对于蛇来说,一年退四次皮是正常的生理过程.
- 新概念第二册 第七课 Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Summary wtriting3.Where did two man take the parcel after the arrival of the plane?Aanswer:Two man took the parcel into the Customs House after the arrival of the plane.1.where是对地点提问,问的是在哪take的parcel,怎么答案回答的是take the parcel以后去了哪?2.after the arrival of the plane.翻译过来是飞机到达以后.这个句子是什么用法 arrival和of 是如何使用的,可不可以改成after the plane arrived
- 请问下面句子改成宾语从句那一句是对的?1.why did he try to fool us?can you tell me?(1).can you tell me why he tried to fool us?(2).can you tell me why he did try to fool us?(3).can you tell me why he try to fool us?.2.Did Alice work out the problem herself?could you tell us?(1).could you tell us if (whether) Alice worked out the problem (by?)herself.(2).could you tell us if alice could work out the problem (by?) herself.(3).could you tell us if alice did work out the pro
- 扩句和改写句子扩句:追求幸福是理想,享受幸福是权利.改成双重否定句:小珊迪诚实善良的美好品质使人感动.修改病句:保护南极的生态环境人们已成为自觉行动.今晚8点以前
- i have no difficulty finding her new house.句子中的fingding改成 to find 可行不?do you think this jacket is the same as mine.as mine是不是定语修饰the same
- 在一个直径为3厘米的圆内画一个最大的正方形,把正方形以外圆以内的部分画上阴影,求阴影部分的面积.
- 英语翻译