短文改错 共十处Dear editor,I’m high school studentDear editor,I’m high school student.A few days before,one of my very good friend told me that he was going to stop school.He said that he wanted to start his own's business.I tride my best to get him to change his mind ,and failed.I realize it is difficult of me to change his mind.He is not doing so good in his studies.The progress is more important than the result is.Now there are only 90 days being left bef


短文改错 共十处Dear editor,I’m high school student
Dear editor,
I’m high school student.A few days before,one of my very good friend told me that he was going to stop school.He said that he wanted to start his own's business.I tride my best to get him to change his mind ,and failed.I realize it is difficult of me to change his mind.He is not doing so good in his studies.The progress is more important than the result is.Now there are only 90 days being left before the test.I am not sure his decision is right or wrong.Ineede your advice

楼上的回答的都对啊 嘿嘿

1.I'm 后加a 2.before --ago 3.friend---friends 4.stop--quit 5.tride--tried 6.and --but 7.good --well 8. studies --study 9.being left --left 10.sure 后加whether

Dear editor,
I’m (+a) high school student.A few days (before->ago),one of my very good friend told me that he was going to (stop->quit) school.He said that he (wanted->wants) to start his (own's->own) business.I (tride->tried) my best to get him to change his mind ,(and->but) failed.I realize it is difficult (of->for) me to change his mind.He is not doing so (good->well) in his studies.The progress is more important than the result (isX).Now there are only 90 days (beingX) left before the test.I am not sure his decision is right or wrong.(Ineede->I need) your advice
这里共找出12处,但 tride->tried 和 Ineede -> I need 可能是由于打字快了造成的手误.

1.首先I'm后面必须加 a
2.before 改成 ago
3.friend 改成 friends
4.own's改成 own
5.tride 改成 tried
6.and 改成 but
7.of 改成 for
8.good 改成 well
9.being left 去掉being
10 stop school 改成 leave school