It is said that there are more English speakers in China,than any other country in the world (including the United States).Why do you think learning to speak the English language is important for the Chinese?We can see many cultural differences between the western world and China (including customs,religions,and traditions).Because of globalization,do you think that in the future cultural differences between the western world and China will still exis


It is said that there are more English speakers in China,than any other country in the world (including the United States).Why do you think learning to speak the English language is important for the Chinese?
We can see many cultural differences between the western world and China (including customs,religions,and traditions).Because of globalization,do you think that in the future cultural differences between the western world and China will still exist?
Again,China has the most English speakers in the world,but still many people don't speak English.If you had a friend your age who decided to learn to speak English,what advice would you give them to make it easier?


你是不是南昌大学的 ??这样不好吧 。。。

Because many company are set up by foreigners ,most of them can speak English.And in our country ,we have to learn English ,no matter if you like it.I think the cultural differences will exist forever...

1. To keep pace with the society and world! To fulfill our dream!
2. Differences will not disappear. But we will understand and accept each other more.
3. Just do it! Impossible is nothing! To be NO.1! Keep moving! Action speaks louder than words! Practice makes perfect!