初三英语造句,急1 thought sb to do sth2 be serious about3 spend time on sth4 tall about5 have a chance of6 see sb do sth 7 succeed in donging sth 很急、表示还要加上翻译、谢谢


1 thought sb to do sth
2 be serious about
3 spend time on sth
4 tall about
5 have a chance of
6 see sb do sth
7 succeed in donging sth

2 Iam serious about play soccer我热衷于踢足球


1.I thought him to help me.我原以为他会帮我.2Teachers are serious about their words and behaviors.老师们谨言慎行.3.He is very happy to spend his time on computer games.他很高兴把时间花在电脑游戏上.4.I...