I.根据汉语完成句子谢谢了,1.他们长什么样子?他们中等个子.What _____they______ _______?They are _____medium_______.2.他长什么样子?他中等身材.What ______he ________like He is of medium_______.3.他留着金黄色卷曲的短发.He has short ______ _______hair.4.她个子很低,还有一点点胖.She’s ______ and a ______ ______ heavy.5 .他又瘦又高.He is tall______ _______.6.他不再戴眼镜.He _______wear ______ any_______.7.没人认识我.________ ________ ______.8.我长得很帅.I’m very________.9.他哥哥中等体格,留着竖直的短发.His brother _____ _________ and he has ______ ____


1.他们长什么样子?他们中等个子.What _____they______ _______?They are _____medium_______.2.他长什么样子?他中等身材.What ______he ________like He is of medium_______.3.他留着金黄色卷曲的短发.He has short ______ _______hair.4.她个子很低,还有一点点胖.She’s ______ and a ______ ______ heavy.5 .他又瘦又高.He is tall______ _______.6.他不再戴眼镜.He _______wear ______ any_______.7.没人认识我.________ ________ ______.8.我长得很帅.I’m very________.9.他哥哥中等体格,留着竖直的短发.His brother _____ _________ and he has ______ _____ hair.10.玛丽长得很漂亮,但不太爱说话.Mary is ______________,but she’s a ________ ____________.11.杰克很有趣,喜爱说笑话.Jack is very __________and loves _________ __________ _________.12.那个长头发的女孩是谁?Who is the girl ________ _________ __________?

1.do,look like;of;height 2.does;look;height 3.golden curly 4.short;little bit 5.and thin 6.doesn't glasses more 7.Nobody knows me.8.handsome 9.is of medium height;short straight 10.pretty.后面两空不会 11.interesting;to tell jokes 12.with long hair