主动语态改成被动语态!1,一般现在时 2、现在进行时 3,一般过去时 4,过去进行时 5,一般将来时 6,过去将来时 7,现在完成时 8,过去完成时 9,情态动词请用以上时态各造一个句子(主动语态),并改写成被动语态


1,一般现在时 2、现在进行时 3,一般过去时 4,过去进行时 5,一般将来时 6,过去将来时 7,现在完成时 8,过去完成时 9,情态动词

Shoes were made in that factory by them. Shoes will be made in that factory by them. Shoes would be made in that factory by them. Shoes

1 I read a book. ---A book is read by me.
2 I am read a book. ---A book is being read by me.
3 I read a book. ---A book was read by me.
4 I was reading a book. ---A book was beng read by me.
5 I will read a book. ---A book will be read by me.
6 I would read a book. ---A book would be read by me.
7 I have read a book. ---A book has been read by me.
8 I had read a book. ---A book had been read by me.
9 I can read a book. ---A book can be read by me. 很简单的^_^

1.I water the flowers every day.The flowers are watered by me every day.2.He's drawing a picture now.A picture is being drawn by him now.3.She bought a book yesterday.A book was bought by her yesterda...