短文填空,每空一词.(快速!)The Ciass1,Grade7sthdent prepare a()presentation for the exchange students.They want to tell them()their happy life in the()town.Everything in the town is easy.You can get there by().There is less air ()there than in other().The tallest building has 35().There are many shopping()in Beijing,and Star ShoppingMall is our ().If you like Beijing(),you may eat it both in the Chinese()and in the ()restaurants.You can enjoy Beijing Opera at our


The Ciass1,Grade7sthdent prepare a()presentation for the exchange students.They want to tell them()their happy life in the()town.Everything in the town is easy.You can get there by().There is less air ()there than in other().The tallest building has 35().There are many shopping()in Beijing,and Star ShoppingMall is our ().If you like Beijing(),you may eat it both in the Chinese()and in the ()restaurants.You can enjoy Beijing Opera at our local theatre.

them ( of ).in the (home)...get there by (train/bus).air (in).other (city).35 (floors).(centers/malls).our(favorite).Beijing (food/snacks/dishes).Chinese (restaurant) and in the (local).