英语 英汉互译 (8 16:24:49)畏惧                and   so    on             .as  well  as.          five  thousand  years     what  a  pity the  sports  meeting      take  away  from        go downstairs     as.as  possible                                                                                                                                   (英翻成中,中翻成英)


英语 英汉互译 (8 16:24:49)
畏惧                and   so    on             .as  well  as.          five  thousand  years     what  a  pity
the  sports  meeting      take  away  from        go downstairs     as.as  possible

畏惧=fear/scary/be afraid of ...and so on=等等/如此 .as well as.=...跟...一样好 five thousand years =五千年 what a pity=多么可惜 the sports meeting =运动会 take away from =从 .那拿走 go downstairs =下...