My life has change a lot in the past few years.


My life has change a lot in the past few years.

因为life ‘ 生活’ 是不可数名词,故谓语动词要用单数.
请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,您能给我举几个用has的例子,再举几个用have的例子吗?非常感谢!主语第三人称单数用has,其余人称用have,如He has studied English for two years.The dog has four legs.Jim has a school bag.Lucy's father has a car .We have breakfast at 7 in the moring.Lily and Lucy have been good friends for 3 years.They have finishe their homework since two hours ago.在过去进行时的句子中,比如I ___ (read)a newspaper while I ____ (wait)for the bus.我在等车的时候看报纸。为什么用was reading呢??while引导的从句,在这里是指两个动词在过去的某个时候同时进行。即我连等公共汽车边看报纸,动作已发生,故用过去时进行。即I (was reading )a newspaper while I(was waiting )for the bus.