

My favourite great book
名字:Harry pootter and the philosopher's stone
人物:Harry porter ,Hermione,Ron,Voidemort(佛地魔)
地点:Hogwarts School
故事:哈利如火如何在学校结交到了好朋友罗恩与赫敏,以及如何对抗坏人Voldenort fight...against
最爱情节:在朋友的帮助下,哈利阻止了佛地魔拿走魔法石(stop sb from doing sth)
Harry pootter and the philosopher's stone (哈利波特与魔法石)的作文

  My favorite great book
My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.It bolongs to Harry Potter which have seven books and it's one of them.the writer of these books is J.K.Rowling who is an great Bratain writer.
The content of this book is about that how Harry made friends,Hermione and Ronin Hogwarts .And how he fighted against the You Know Who,Voldenort.With the help of his friends ,Harry stopped Voldenort taking away the PHIlosopher's Stone.
The theme of this story is about growing,friendship and courage among the children.
In my opinion,the reason of why this book became such popular,is of the funny words and interesting magic and so on.
Those are all about my favorite book.