以11月8日星期天你生日为内容写一篇英语日记.内容如下:1.虽今天雨下得很大,但许多朋友来参加了我的生日聚会.2.朋友们给我送了礼物 3.晚饭后大家吃生日蛋糕,唱歌,跳舞,拍照 4晚会12:30结束 5大家感觉很愉快 6词数80左右


以11月8日星期天你生日为内容写一篇英语日记.内容如下:1.虽今天雨下得很大,但许多朋友来参加了我的生日聚会.2.朋友们给我送了礼物 3.晚饭后大家吃生日蛋糕,唱歌,跳舞,拍照 4晚会12:30结束 5大家感觉很愉快 6词数80左右

It was raining cats and dogs,but many of my friend came for my birdsyCame to my place for my birthday party.They had bought many lovely presents for me. We had the birthday cake after dinner. After that we sang and danced. We also took many photos of this event.The party ended around 1230 am. We had a very happy and memorable party.