1 Jack goes to school in (his father's car) on weekdays.对括号里提问 ( )does Jack ( )to school on weekdays?2Li Lei is ten years old.Lin Tao is twelve years old.合并为一句 Li Lei is two years ( )( )Lin Tao.3 Our school uniform is not the same as theirs.改为同义句 Our school uniform is ( )( )theirs


1 Jack goes to school in (his father's car) on weekdays.对括号里提问 ( )does Jack ( )to school on weekdays?2Li Lei is ten years old.Lin Tao is twelve years old.合并为一句 Li Lei is two years ( )( )Lin Tao.3 Our school uniform is not the same as theirs.改为同义句 Our school uniform is ( )( )theirs

1 Jack goes to school in (his father's car) on weekdays。对括号里提问 (How)does Jack ( go)to school on weekdays?
2Li Lei is ten years old。Lin Tao is twelve years old。合并为一句 ————Li Lei is two years ( yonger)(than )Lin Tao。
3 Our school uniform is not the same as theirs。改为同义句
Our school uniform is (different )( from)theirs
祝你天天向上!百分百正确 呵呵

1:how go 2:old than 3:different for

1.How does Jack go to school on weekdays?
2.Li Lei is two years younger than Lin Tao.
3.Our school uniform is different from theirs.