我选的是a但是答案是b ,老师不是说must问否定回答是needn't 那这题怎么回事呢


我选的是a但是答案是b ,老师不是说must问否定回答是needn't 那这题怎么回事呢
must i learn all these words by heart
no ,you __.it'll be fine if you copy them in your exercise books.
A.needn't B.should

应该选A吧 ,答案错了.是哦!!谢谢啦!我也这么觉得的,但就觉得答案应该不会那么巧就这题错了我必须都要记住这些单词吗” “不用,只要你抄在练习本上就可以了” 我肯定是答案错了。should强调一种主观上应该,这里很明显和题意不太符。这样啊!我原本就觉得纳闷,老师才教的的must问用needn't回答。may用mustn't回答的。好不容易才记住的,却碰见这题,我就乱了坚持自己的,这答案误人啊。 must提问一般用needn't 或者don't have to 回答It doesn't look like rain ,so you _bring your umbrella with you .A,shouldn'tBmustn'tCcan'tD needn't 为什么选d呢?帮解说下。谢谢D这个只要弄清每个情态动词的意思即可。 看上去不会下雨,所以你无须带伞。 A 不该 B不准 C不能 D不须哦,恍然大悟,谢谢啊!!再帮忙下how far is the post office from here it's about __walk .A ten minute Bten minutes 为什么是b啊,不需要加s嘛?选B 要加复数啊,如果不加s的话中间就要加个连字符,比如 a ten-year-old boy =a ten years old boyyour coat looks very nice .what 's it made __?cotton,andit is made __wuhan .afrom ,inb of ,in 为什么是b?be made from 和be made of都是由什么制成的意思 made from 主要是指看不见原材料的而of是看得见材料的。