翻译一下英语 文章(英语好的来,高一的文章)


翻译一下英语 文章(英语好的来,高一的文章)
dear wang lei
I an song to hear that you have been ill for dogs and hope you are better now, you have studied so hard that you have no time for exercise,This is hormful to your healthy,I feel it would be more beneficial to your health if you could take more exercise in fuure
Exercise can improve your playsical health and refresh your mind.After one or two hours exerrise you can.study better only when you have a steong body can you keep on studying without feeling tired otherise your study will be interrupted from time to time by sickness.
Exercise is as useful and important as your study I hope you can take at least one hour's esercise very day after you are recovered!
best wishes
your sincerely
li tan
