改错1.Meimei can speak English when she was six years old.


改错1.Meimei can speak English when she was six years old.
2.It is get too late.I'd better go home now.
3.Uncle Wang doesn't can go to work because he was ill.

1.改can 为could Meimei6岁时能说英语是过去的能力,所以can要变为过去式,即could
2.改get 为getting 注意 it 【IS】 就可以知道应该用现在进行时,变get为getting即可
3.删去doesn't can,换为couldn't 两个错误,首先doesn;t 不与can连用,第二由HE WAS ILL知道是过去式.所以删去doesn't can.再注意是go to work,go用的是一般现在时,所以考虑用情态动词can的过去式的否定形式,即couldn‘t