1.句型转换.①There is a park on the other side of the street.(改为同义句)() () the street there's a park.②How can I get to the nearest post office?(改为同义句)Do you know () () to the nearest post office?③Paul sits on my left.Nancy sits on my right.(合并为一句)I sit () Paul () Nancy.2.根据汉语完成句子.①步行穿过大桥街,然后向右拐.() walk () Bridge Street,then turn right.②他们每年都来参观大连.They come () () Dalian every year.这些都是我一个一个打出来的,哥哥姐姐帮帮小弟把今天就要很急,


1.句型转换.①There is a park on the other side of the street.(改为同义句)() () the street there's a park.②How can I get to the nearest post office?(改为同义句)Do you know () () to the nearest post office?③Paul sits on my left.Nancy sits on my right.(合并为一句)I sit () Paul () Nancy.
2.根据汉语完成句子.①步行穿过大桥街,然后向右拐.() walk () Bridge Street,then turn right.②他们每年都来参观大连.They come () () Dalian every year.


oppsit to
how to get to the nearest post office
between ```and
please walk though
to visit

①There is a park on the other side of the street.(改为同义句)
(opposite) (to) the street there's a park.
②How can I get to the nearest post office?(改为同义句)
Do you know (the) (way) to the nearest post office?
③Paul sits on my left.Nancy sits on my right.(合并为一句)
I sit (between) Paul (and) Nancy.
①步行穿过大桥街,然后向右拐.(To) walk (though) Bridge Street,then turn right.
②他们每年都来参观大连.They come (to) (visit) Dalian every year.

③Paul sits on my left.Nancy sits on my right.(合并为一句)I sit (between) Paul (and) Nancy.
②他们每年都来参观大连。They come (to) (visit) Dalian every year.