填写some any somebody someone everybody everyone nobody no one something anything nothing many much none


填写some any somebody someone everybody everyone nobody no one something anything nothing many much none
1.Is there -------on the blackboard?
No,there·s-----on the blackboard.
2.Are there -----oranges on the tree?
No,there aren·t-----.
3.Is there -----you don·t understand?
I think ---------clear .Thank you.
4.Is -------here?
Yes,we·re all here.-----is absent.
5.Did you see ------behind the teacher?
No,I saw -----behind the teacher.He was alone.
6.How many students are there in the classroom?-----
7.There isn·t any meat in the fridge .Shall I go and buy ---
8.Why not have -----bread?
9.Come to me if you have ------questions.
10.There is -----at the door.
1.Judy sits in front of Kathy.(in front of)
Kathy sits -----Judy.
2.The chair is below the painting.(below)
The painting is ------the chair.
3.The light is over my head.(over)
My head is ----the light.
4.Alice and Laura are both from New Zealand.(both)
--------of them likes the weather here.They cannot stand the heat
5.All of us visited the museum yesterday,but ------of us liked the paintings there(All)
6.Be quiet.I have something important to tell you.(something)
I·ve got ----else to say.
7.There isn·t ------rice in the bag.Shall I go and buy some?(some)

1.Is there anything on the blackboard?No,there·s nothing on the blackboard.2.Are there some oranges on the tree?No,there aren·t any.3.Is there anything you don·t understand?I think everything clear...