您的位置: 首页 > 作业答案 > 英语 > SAT 作文题:Do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what have SAT 作文题:Do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what have 分类: 作业答案 • 2021-12-23 11:02:00 问题描述: SAT 作文题:Do people need to compare themselves with others in order to appreciate what have请给出几个合适的例子和文章的分析思路. 答 一般来说 SAT作文拿高分的方法不是论清黑白,而且中肯的说出黑白两面,然后找出两者之中的“灰色”.黑色是:YES白色是:NO灰色:YES and NO.YES:可以激励自己,让自己往更高的地方努力.NO:想比的同时也伤害到了弱者的心情