The rock was very large.The rock fell on the girl.合并为一句


The rock was very large.The rock fell on the girl.合并为一句
我们绝不能在开车的时候冒风险 英文翻译用上take risks
翻译 警察现在掌控了局势

The rock fell on the girl was very large.
如不明白请追问,满意就采纳一下吧 (*^__^*)
手机提问者请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可!我们绝不能在开车的时候冒风险 英文翻译用上take risksWe can't take risks when driving.翻译 警察现在掌控了局势The police is controling the situation now。不要在追问了,有新问题重新提问