16、in our English study reading is more important than speaking,i think.


16、in our English study reading is more important than speaking,i think.
I don’t agree .speaking is ______reading
A.as important as B.so important as C.the most important D.the same as
17.John is my____friend of all the classmates.
A.good B.how soon C.best D.the best
18.Jim always comes to school ____of all because he has to open the door for others .
A.early B.earlier C.the most early D.earliest
19.we should keep ______in the reading-room.
A.quite B.quietly C.quite D.quickly
20.how Helen works____than before.
A.more carefully B.more careful C.much careful D.much carefully
21.this question is ___more difficult than that one.
A.quiet B.quietly C.quite D.quickly
22.the young man is____carry that heavy bag .
A.strong B.enough strong to C.not strong enough D.strong enough
23.you are ______late .he has already gone .
A.terrible B.nearly C.terribly D .near
24.reading in bead isn’t ___our eyes.
A.goot at B.weak in C .bad for D.good for
25.we find it____to do some reading every day.
A .easily B .be enjoyable C .helpful D.interested
26.Tome has grown ____enough to take care of ________.
A.tall;him B .tall;himself C .old;him D.old;himself
27.lots of visitors come to Nanjing because she is ______city .
A .so a beautiful B.very a beautiful C.such beautiful D.quit a beautiful
28.the number of the trees in our school is getting ________.
A.more and more B.larger and larger C .less and less D .higher and higher
29.it’s _____far______walk home from here.let’s take a taxi .
A.too;to B .to;too C .so;that D .too;too
30.______the weather was not so wet as it is today and we played happily.
A.lucky B .luckily C .unlucky D .unluckily

16-20 A C D C A
21-25 C B C D C
26-30 D C B A B