I really hate this life of being on the road / on the move all the time.我特别讨厌这种成天四处奔波的日子.on the road / on the move 用在这里都
I really hate this life of being on the road / on the move all the time.我特别讨厌这种成天四处奔波的日子.on the road / on the move 用在这里都正确吗?
这里都对,但是on the road更表达他老是在路上奔波,而且是在“陆上”奔波,但是on the move也可以解为“经常搬家”或者“经常行动”形容奔波没有on the road贴切
如果还有什么问题可以找我~要是形容我老是四处奔波,总是定不下居来,飘着。用哪个好?谢谢小静静呃,叫我小静静,害羞啊如果说他老是奔波,还是on the road比较好咯~不客气