英语达人请进来填词短文填词Which method(方法)do you think better?Some students say that they use the "slow and sure"method.By this they mean they read every sentence slowly and__1__.Every time they come to an unknown word they___2__to think what it means.If necessary,looking__3___up in the dictionary.__4___ this methob a person probably has no time left for checking what he read,for he___5___all his time in trying to get the___6___of each word to be sure that he unde


Which method(方法)do you think better?
Some students say that they use the "slow and sure"method.By this they mean they read every sentence slowly and__1__.Every time they come to an unknown word they___2__to think what it means.If necessary,looking__3___up in the dictionary.__4___ this methob a person probably has no time left for checking what he read,for he___5___all his time in trying to get the___6___of each word to be sure that he understands everything.
Other students use another one___7__the review method.Here a person tries to arrange his time so___8__he can read his lesson at least twice.This type of reading is__9___than the"slow and sure"method,for the lesson must be read quickly,or there will not be enough time___10__for a second reading.
1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______ 7._______
8.________ 9._______ 10._______

1.__carefully____ 2._try______ 3.___it____ 4.___By____ 5.__spends_____ 6.___meaning____ 7._called______
8._____that___ 9._quicher______ 10._left______